•Cysouw, Michael. 12 May 2020. Die bemerkenswerte Diversität der deutschen Diathesen. Linguistics Kolloquium Düsseldorf, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 23 February 2018. Dynamic universals in the linguistic marking of location. Workshop “Parallel text analysis in diachronic research”, Marburg, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 31 May 2017. Dynamic universals in the linguistic marking of location. Linguistics Quo Vadis, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
•Cysouw, Michael. 26 January 2017. Introducing the Parallel Text Corpus. Bremen, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 15 November 2016. Dealing with language diversity. Center for Information and Language Processing, München, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 August 2016. Inferring probabilities of change from areal distributions. 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europae, Naples, Italy.
•Cysouw, Michael. 9. May 2016. Multi-alignment: a central method to quantify models of linguistic diversity and change. Linguistics Colloquium, Mainz, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 10 March 2016. Using Parallel text to quantify models of linguistic diversity and change. Linguistics Colloquium, Leipzig, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 18 February 2016. Using Parallel text to quantify models of linguistic diversity and change. KNAW Colloquium “Language Variation in Action”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 October 2015. Quantifying models of linguistics diversity and change. Conference “Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics”, Lorenz Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 October 2015. Advances in computer-assisted historical reconstruction. Linguistic Colloquium, Zürich, Switzerland.
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 August 2015. Advances in computer-assisted historical reconstruction. Helsinki, Finland. Conference "New Developments in the Quantitative Study of Languages”.
•Cysouw, Michael. 1 June 2015. Language comparison through massively parallel texts. CRISSP Seminar, Center for research in syntax, semantics & phonology, KU Leuven, Brussels.
•Cysouw, Michael. 20 May 2015. Three of a kind? Multi-alignment of amino-acids, sounds and words. Workshop “Strings and Structures”, Köln.
•Cysouw, Michael. 14 May 2015. Language diversity: friend or foe? StuTS Marburg.
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 April 2015. Induction to the max. Conference “Diversity linguistics: retrospect and prospect” Leipzig, MPI-EVA.
•Cysouw, Michael. 1 December 2014. Getting the nitty-gritty details into big data. Helsinki, Finland. Symposium “Big Data Approaches to Intellectual, Cultural and Linguistic History”.
•Cysouw, Michael. 21 November 2014. Interpolation, and the probabilistic view on linguistic diversity in general: how to convince the linguists? Zürich, Switzerland. Workshop on Visualizing Linguistic Data.
•Cysouw, Michael and Thomas Mayer. 11 November 2014. Sprachvielfalt in Übersetzung. Über die Benutzung von Übersetzungen zur Erforschung der weltweiten Sprachvielfalt. Munich, Symposium “Sprache und Übersetzung”.
•Cysouw, Michael, Jelena Prokić and Johann-Mattis List. 15 August 2014. The future of dialect data: Representation & Analysis. Groningen, Netherlands. Conference “Methods XV”.
•Cysouw, Michael and Thomas Mayer. 27 May 2014. Creating a Massively Parallel Bible Corpus. Reykjavik, Iceland, LREC 2014.
•Steven Moran and Michael Cysouw. 27 May 2014. Typology with graphs and matrices. Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing. Reykjavik, Iceland, LREC 2014.
•Cysouw, Michael. 13 April 2014. Adding more linguistics into automatic reconstruction. Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico (USA). Workshop “Historical Linguistics: Processes, Inference and Reconstruction”.
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 December 2013. Bottom-up- und Top-down-Zugänge zu sprachvergleichenden Korpusanalysen. Mainz, Germany (Linguistics Colloquium).
•Cysouw, Michael & Iren Hartmann. 15 August 2013. Visualising Valency Alternations. Leipzig, Germany (10th biannual meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology).
•Cysouw, Michael, Steven Moran & Martin Brümmer. 15 August 2013. Typology with Graphs and Matrices. Leipzig, Germany (10th biannual meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, ALT X).
•Cysouw, Michael. 10 June 2013. Using Electronic Dictionaries. MPI-EVA, Leipzig (Electronic Dictionary Workshop).
•Cysouw, Michael & Iren Hartmann. 13 March 2013. Visualising Valency Alternations. Potsdam, Germany (35th Annual Conference of the DGfS).
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 February 2013. Agreement in massively parallel texts: an attempt to induce typology. Bamberg, Germany (Workshop “Agreement in Discourse”).
•Cysouw, Michael. 4 December 2012. Historische Linguistik in Südamerika. Marburg, Germany (Anthrolab Kolloquium, Vergleichende Kulturforschung).
•Cysouw, Michael. 24 November 2012. Back to the roots: using regular sound correspondences for linguistic phylogeny (as one should). Bern, Switzerland (Workshop on Phylogenetic Methods in Humanities).
•Cysouw, Michael. 5 October 2012. Agreement in massively parallel texts: an attempt to induce typology. Marburg, Germany (Workshop “Agreement from a Diachronic Perspective”).
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 September 2012. Massively Parallel Text: Language Comparison using Methods from Vector-Space Modeling. Stockholm, Sweden (Linguistics Colloquium).
•Cysouw, Michael. 6 September 2012. Visualising the Typology of Natural Classes. Leipzig, Germany (Workshop “Decomposition and natural classes in argument coding”)
•Cysouw, Michael. 23 May 2012. Weltweite Sprachvariation als Erkenntnisfenster. Marburg, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 21 May 2012. Inducing Semantic Roles. Tübingen, Germany (Linguistics Colloquium).
•Cysouw, Michael. 27 April 2012. The Message and its Meaning: The Linguistic Perspective. Center for Advanced Studies, München, Germany (Workshop “Synthetic Ecosystems”).
•Cysouw, Michael & Bernhard Wälchli. 30 March 2012. Similarity Semantics: Towards a Formal Calculus for Meaning without Truth Conditions. Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich (Workshop "MCMP meets Linguistics").
•Cysouw, Michael & Jelena Prokić. 8 March 2012. Word Order Universals and Information Density. Frankfurt, Germany (34th Annual Conference of the DGfS).
•Cysouw, Michael & Peter Bouda. 8 March 2012. Treating Dictionaries as a Linked Data Corpus. Frankfurt, Germany (34h Annual Conference of the DGfS).
•Cysouw, Michael. 25 February 2012. A Typology of Case Through Translation. Nijmegen, Netherlands (Workshop retirement Leon Stassen).
•Cysouw, Michael. 24 February 2012. QuantHistLing: Work in Progress Report. Nijmegen, Netherlands.
•Cysouw, Michael. 14 February 2012. Using Parallel Texts for Linguistic Typology. Darmstadt, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael & Dan Dediu. 9 February 2012. Some Aspects of Language are More Stable than Others. Tübingen, Germany (Conference “Linguistic Evidence”).
•Cysouw, Michael. 11 November 2011. Dynamic Typology. Zürich, Switzerland.
•Cysouw, Michael. 24 October 2011. Beyond the Black Box: A Plea for Explicit Models of Language Change. Gothenburg, Sweden (Workshop on comparing approaches to measuring linguistic differences)
•Cysouw, Michael. 12 October 2011. Radical Stand-Off Annotation. Würzburg, Germany (TEI Conference).
•Cysouw, Michael. 22 September 2011. The Reconstruction of Meaning Change. Pavia, Italy (Workshop “Historical-Comparative Linguistics in the 21st Century).
•Cysouw, Michael. 8 September 2011. Where is the direction? Indefinite's semantic map revisited. Logroño, Spain (44th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, SLE 2011)
•Cysouw, Michael & Corinna Handschuh. 9 September 2011. Person Portmanteaus as a window into referential splits and hierarchies. Logroño, Spain (44th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, SLE 2011)
•Cysouw, Michael & Steven Moran. 28 July 2011. Phonemic Inventory as a Phylogenetic Characteristic. Osaka, Japan. (20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ICHL XX).
•Cysouw, Michael & Olav Hackstein. 27 July 2011. The (in)stability of Interrogatives. Osaka, Japan. (20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ICHL XX).
•Cysouw, Michael & Jelena Prokić. 25 July 2011. Automatic Detection of Patterns of Sound Change. Osaka, Japan. (20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ICHL XX).
•Cysouw, Michael. 22. July 2011. Typology without Types: Quantitatively inducing a Numeral Typology. Hong Kong, China (9th biannual meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, ALT9).
•Cysouw, Michael, Jelena Prokić, Steven Moran. 7 June 2011. Estimating Sound Similarities. MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 May 2011. Beyond the Black Box. Bielefeld, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael & Dan Dediu. 18 May 2011. On the geographical distribution of phoneme inventories: a reply to Atkinson. LMU Munich, Germany (Phonetics Colloquium).
•Cysouw, Michael & Lydia Steiner. 15 April 2011. Assisted Reconstruction: The case of Panoan and Mataco-Guiacuruan. Santa Barbara, Calif., USA. (WAIL: Workshop on American Indigenous Languages).
•Cysouw, Michael. 5 April 2011. Inducing Semantic Roles. Zürich, Switzerland (Workshop “Role Complexes: New approaches to defining semantic role”).
•Cysouw, Michael & Jelena Prokić. 31 March 2011. Reconstructing Meaning Change from Parallel Corpora. Berlin, Germany (Conference “Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, QITL 4).
•Cysouw, Michael. 10 February 2011. Historical reconstruction through comparison of meaning. Freiburg, Germany (Workshop “Cross-linguistic and language-internal variation in text and speech”).
•Cysouw, Michael. 10 December 2010. Inducing Roles & Relations from Parallel Texts. Forschergruppe “Verbale Argumente”, Leipzig, Germany (workshop “Nanogrammatik”).
•Cysouw, Michael. 6 November 2010. Wörterbücher im 21. Jahrhundert. LMU München, Germany (Lexikographisches Symposium des Zentrums historische Sprachwissenschaften)
•Cysouw, Michael. 12 October 2010. Using languageinternal similarities to compare languages. Venice, Italy (ESP workshop).
•Cysouw, Michael. 7 Juni 2010. Can we like me? On the (im)possibility of partial arguement coreference. Nijmegen, Netherlands (workshop ‘Between you and me: local pronouns across modalities’).
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•Cysouw, Michael. 4 Juni 2010. Historical reconstruction through comparison of meaning. Groningen, Netherlands (TABU dag).
•Cysouw, Michael. 20 May 2010. Historical reconstruction from parallel texts. Bern, Switzerland (Mini-Symposium ‘Quantitative Typology’).
•Cysouw, Michael. 18 May 2010. Geographical Distribution of Linguistic Diversity. Zürich, Switzerland (Lecture Geographic Department)
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 April 2010. Exemplar-based language change. LMU München, Germany. (Lecture Phonetics Department)
•Cysouw, Michael. 7 April 2010. Historical reconstruction through comparison of meaning. Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Lecture General Linguistics Department)
•Cysouw, Michael. 24 February 2010. Disentangling person portmanteaus. HU Berlin, Germany (32th Annual Conference of the DGfS)
•Cysouw, Michael. 27 November 2009. On the Geographic Distribution of Linguistic Diversity. Freiburg, Germany (FRIAS workshop ‘Language, space, and geography’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 19 November 2009. Quantitative challenges in the reconstruction of language history. MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.
•Cysouw, Michael. 5 November 2009. APiCS, WALS, and the creole typological profile (if any). MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. (APiCS workshop)
•Cysouw, Michael & Diana Forker. 29 October 2009. Reconstruction of morphosyntactic function: Non-spatial usage of spatial case marking in Tsezic. LMU München, Germany. (Linguistics Colloquium)
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•Cysouw, Michael & Diana Forker. 28 August 2009. Reconstruction of morphosyntactic function: Non-spatial usage of spatial case marking in Tsezic. Helsinki, Finland (Conference ‘Case in and across languages’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 20 August 2009. On the probability distribution of typological frequencies. Bielefeld, Germany (11th Mathematics of Language Conference)
•Grawunder, Sven & Michael Cysouw. 24 July 2009. The distribution of glottalization in the languages of the Caucasus. Berkeley, USA (ALT VIII)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 Juni 2009. Micropublication: footnotes for the 21st Century. Utrecht, Netherlands (Workshop ‘Small Tools for Cross-Linguistic Research’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 12 June 2009. The ‘inverse’ history of Iroquoian person prefixes. Leipzig, Germany (Morphology of the World’s Languages Conference)
•Forker, Diana & Michael Cysouw. 29 May 2009. Using Dahl’s Tense-Aspect questionnaire: Speaker variation in Bezhta. Tartu, Estonia (International Conference on Minority Languages XII)
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 May 2009. Worldwide Geographical Clines of Complexity. Lyon, France (Workshop ‘Complexity in Typology and Acquisition’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 31 October 2008. Dynamic Typology. Oslo, Norway (Workshop ‘Grammatical Constructions in Time and Space’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 27 June 2008. Language Comparison as Corpus Linguistics. Jena, Germany (Colloquium Anglistik)
•Cysouw, Michael. 4 June 2008. Comparing the Incomparable. Helsinki, Finland (3rd Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics QITL-3 Conference)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 May 2008. Die Eigenart der deutschen Sprache aus globaler Perspektive. Regierungspräsidium Leipzig, Germany (Ausstellung ‘ABC der Menschheit’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 9 May 2008. Structural Challenges for Typological Databases. Leipzig, Germany (MPG Linguistic Diversity Meeting)
•Cysouw, Michael. 8 April 2008. Language typology as relational measurement. Leipzig, Germany (Work in Progress)
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 March 2008. The interaction of person and number: a typologist's perspective. Harvard, Boston, Mass. USA (Workshop on Markedness and Underspecification in the Morphology and Semantics of Agreement, MUMSA)
•Cysouw, Michael. 27 February 2008. Dealing with ubiquitous data. Leipzig, Germany (Fachbeirat MPI-EVA)
•Cysouw, Michael. 13 December 2007. On the principal problem of comparing languages. HU Berlin, Germany (Colloquium Germanistik)
•Comrie, Bernard & Michael Cysouw. 7 December 2007. The world as seen from Rossel Island: a Linguistic Interpretation. Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Colloquium for Steve Levinson's 60th Birthday)
•Cysouw, Michael. 23 November 2007. Geographic distance as a predictor of linguistic similarity. Gent, Belgium (Taal & Tongval Colloquium)
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 September 2007. Investigating Transition Probabilities in the World Atlas of Language Structures. Paris, France (ALT VII)
•Wälchli, Bernhard & Michael Cysouw. 26 September 2007. Towards a Semantic Map of Motion Verbs : Explorative statistical methods applied to a cross-linguistic collection of contextually-embedded exemplars. Paris, France (Workshop 'Lexical Typology' at ALT VII)
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•Handschuh, Corinna & Michael Cysouw. 3 September 2007. Splits in Marked Nominative case systems. Leipzig, Germany (Meeting on Scales)
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•Cysouw, Michael & Jeff Good. 28 June 2007. Towards a comprehensive Languoid Catalog. Leipzig, Germany (Language Catalogue Meeting)
•Jung, Hagen & Michael Cysouw. 28 June 2007. Cognate Identification and Alignment Using Practical Orthographies. Prague, Czech Republic (9th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Morphology and Phonology)
•Cysouw, Michael & Jeff Good. 26 June 2007. Wikifying Research. Leipzig, Germany (Workshop 'Wikifying Research')
•Cysouw, Michael. 29 May 2007. Using eSciDoc for Linguistic Typology. München, Germany (eSciDoc Beirat)
•Cysouw, Michael. 21 May 2007. Morphemic Analysis: Its goals and limits. Leipzig, Germany (Meeting on Submorphemic Analysis)
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 May 2007. Lean Typology: language comparison without cross-linguistic categories. MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
•Handschuh, Corinna & Michael Cysouw. 20 April 2007. Marked Nominative: Form and Function. Leipzig, Germany (Workshop 'Verbal Arguments')
•Cysouw, Michael. 17 April 2007. Inchoative/Causative Verb Alternations re-revisited. Leipzig, Germany (Work in Progress)
•Cysouw, Michael. 3 April 2007. A social layer in typological databases. Leipzig, Germany (Language Typology Resource Network Meeting)
•Cysouw, Michael. 20 January 2007. Disentangling Universals from History. University of Bologna, Italy (Conference ‘With more than chance frequency: forty years of universals of language’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 15 November 2006. Areas and Universals: Using the World Atlas of Language Structures. University of Graz, Austria.
•Cysouw, Michael. 6 November 2006. Comparing the Incomparable. Leipzig, Germany (Forschergruppe ‘Verbal Arguments’).
•Cysouw, Michael. 17 July 2006. Measuring Language Similarities. MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany (Geneling).
•Cysouw, Michael. 13 July 2006. Die Sprachen der Welt: Vielfalt und Dynamik. Wöhlerschule, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (Schulvortrag MPG Jahreshauptversammlung)
•Cysouw, Michael. 6 June 2006. Unrooted trees, and how to root them. Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. (Jacob Grimm Vorlesung)
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•Cysouw, Michael. 19 May 2006. Using parallel texts for typology. University of Pavia, Italy (Conference ‘Language resources and linguistic research’).
•Cysouw, Michael. 27 April 2006. Towards Phylogenetic Analyses of Linguistic Data. PICB Shanghai, China. (Symposium ‘Exploring the potential of computational approaches in phylogenetic analyses of language evolution’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 1 April 2006. The importance of rara for linguistic theory. Leipzig, Germany (Rara & Rarissima Conference)
•Cysouw, Michael. 22 February 2006. Identifying areas from typological surveys. Bielefeld, Germany (28th Jahrestagung DGfS)
•Cysouw, Michael. 1 February 2006. A typology of 'doing typology'. MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany (Work in Progress).
•Cysouw, Michael. 13 January 2006. Measuring Typological Stability of Typological Data. Berlin, Germany. (Workshop ‘Current Topics in Typology’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 September 2005. Using WALS: prospects of quantitative approaches to linguistic typology. MPI-EVA Leipzig. (Institute Seminar on the World Atlas of Language Structures)
•Cysouw, Michael. 24 July 2005. The typology of content interrogatives. Padang, Indonesia (ALT VI)
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•Cysouw, Michael. 23 July 2005. The distribution of rarities in the WALS data. Padang, Indonesia. (Workshop at ALT VI on the World Atlas of Language Structures)
•Cysouw, Michael. 23 July 2005. Preparing WALS for quantitative analyses. Padang, Indonesia. (Workshop at ALT VI on the World Atlas of Language Structures)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 June 2005. Crawling, Archiving, and Corpus Creation. MPI-EVA Leipzig. (Second Leipzig Corpus Meeting)
•Cysouw, Michael. 28 April 2005. Using corpora to investigate linguistic diversity. MPI-CBS Leipzig. (First Leipzig Corpus Meeting)
•Cysouw, Michael & Mihai Albu. 21 April 2005. Revamping the World Atlas of Language Structure. MPI-EVA Leipzig. (Discussion meeting on typological databases)
•Cysouw, Michael. 15 April 2005. From pronouns to agreement: diachrony and typology of pronominal clitics. Freudental, Germany. (Weak Words Workshop)
•Biemann, Christian, Matthias Ongyerth & Michael Cysouw. 1 April 2005. Automatic replication of Strong's Numbers in the Bible. MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany. (Workshop ‘Parallel Texts: Using translational equivalents in linguistic typology’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 24 February 2005. On the typological distribution of rare characteristics. Cologne, Germany. (27th Jahrestagung DGfS)
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•Cysouw, Michael. 11 January 2005. Using Phylogenetic Methods in Linguistics. MPI-EVA Leipzig. (Geneling).
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 December 2004. Typology and Corpora. University Leipzig. (Seminar Corpus Linguistics Prof. Heyer)
•Cysouw, Michael. 12 December 2004. On the distribution of rare characteristics. MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany. (Workshop ‘Using the World Atlas of Language Structure’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 9 November 2004. Quantitative approaches to linguistic similarity. MPI-EVA Leipzig. (Work in Progress)
•Cysouw, Michael. 27 October 2004. On the diachrony of person affixation in Munda. MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany. (Munda Meeting)
•Cysouw, Michael. 15 October 2004. Minimal systems of interrogative words. MPI-EVA Leipzig, Germany. (Workshop on Questions)
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•Cysouw, Michael. 21 September 2004. From pronouns to agreement: diachrony and typology of pronominal clitics. MPI-EVA Leipzig.
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•Cysouw, Michael. 20 February 2004. Khoekhoe focus marking. ZAS Berlin. (Project presentation)
•Cysouw, Michael. 17 February 2004. The rise of person inflection, with special reference to the Munda languages. Vienna, Austria. (11th International Morphology Meeting)
•Cysouw, Michael. 13 February 2004. Interrogative words: an exercise in lexical typology. ZAS Berlin, Germany. (Bantu grammar: description and theory workshop 3)
•Cysouw, Michael. 29 November 2003. From pronouns to agreement : The Sulawesi case. FU Berlin, Germany. (Workshop on Grammaticalisation)
•Cysouw, Michael. 26 September 2003. Minimal/augmented in the Philippines: An areal and genetic survey. ZAS Berlin, Germany. (Workhop on Austronesian Languages)
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•Cysouw, Michael. 22 September 2003. Towards a typology of pronominal cliticization. ZAS Berlin. (Mini-workshop on clitics)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 September 2003. Towards a typology of pronominal cliticization. Cagliari, italy. (ALT V)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 May 2003. What it means to be rare: the case of person marking. University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. (Symposium 'Linguistic Diversity and Language Theories')
•Cysouw, Michael. 26 February 2003. The influence of sentence type on the position of special clitics. Maximilian University Munich, Germany. (25th Jahrestagung DGfS)
•Cysouw, Michael. 29 January 2003. Sampling in typology: some potential pitfalls. ZAS Berlin. (Typology-circle)
•Cysouw, Michael. 29 November 2002. Against implicational universals: a statistical critique of typological methods. Universität Leipzig, Germany. (Colloquium Linguistics Department)
•Cysouw, Michael. 11 November 2002. Wider die implikationelle Universalie: eine statistische Kritik typologischer Methoden. Free University Berlin. (Colloquium Prof. König)
•Cysouw, Michael. 11 October 2002. The paradigmatic structure of person marking. University of Utrecht, Netherlands (AVT/ANéLA Taalgala)
•Cysouw, Michael. 3 June 2002. The (a)symmetry of inflectional person marking. Free University Berlin. (Colloquium Prof. König)
•Cysouw, Michael. 10 December 2001. Informationstructure and the placement of pronominal clitics. Free University Berlin. (Colloquium Prof. König)
•Cysouw, Michael. 20 July 2001. The (a)symmetry of inflectional person marking. University of California at Santa Barbara, USA. (ALT IV)
•Cysouw, Michael. 14 July 2001. Khoisan pronominal elements. Humboldt University Berlin. (Khoisan-Course)
•Cysouw, Michael. 6 July 2001. Progress report on clitics project. ZAS Berlin. (ZAS-lecture)
•Cysouw, Michael. 20 June 2001. Zur Vielfalt sprachlicher Personmarkierung. LMU Munich, Germany. (Linguistics Colloquium)
•Cysouw, Michael. 11 June 2001. Uto-Aztekische pronominale Klitika. Free University Berlin. (Colloquium Prof. König)
•Cysouw, Michael. 12 May 2001. Progress report on inclusive/exclusive map. MPI evolutionäre Antropologie Leipzig. (Workshop 'World Atlas of Linguistic Structure')
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 December 2000. Explicitness Lost. University Konstanz, Germany. (Workshop ‘The truths about personal pronouns and how true they are’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 13 November 2000. Zur paradigmatischen Structur der Personmarkierung. Free University Berlin. (Colloquium Prof. König)
•Cysouw, Michael. 14 April 2000. Who is who? On the division of person space in pronominal paradigms. University of Antwerp, Belgium. (Conference ‘Cognitive Typology’)
•Cysouw, Michael. 7 April 2000. ‘We’ rules - some cross-linguistic generalisations about the organisation of pronominal paradigms. ZAS Berlin, Germany. (ZAS lecture)
•Cysouw, Michael. 1 March 2000. ‘We’ rules - some cross-linguistic generalisations about the organisation of pronominal paradigms. University of Marburg, Germany. (22th Jahrestagung DGfS)
•Cysouw, Michael. 5 January 2000. ‘WIJ twee’ versus ‘wij TWEE’ - Het duale karakter van de dualis is pronominale paradigma's. University of Utrecht, Netherlands. (TIN 2000)
•Cysouw, Michael. 5 November 1999. Spannende verschillen. University of Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Highschool university introduction)
•Cysouw, Michael. 29 August 1999. Crossing the transitivity boundary with pronominals. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. (ALT III)
•Cysouw, Michael. 6 February 1999. ‘Jij’ kan nog gekker - over mogelijke en schijnbaar onmogelijke variatie aan pronominale elementen in de talen van de wereld. University of Utrecht, Netherlands. (TIN 1999)
•Cysouw, Michael. 6 January 1999. Pronomina: geschiedenis van een grammaticaal concept. University of Nijmegen. (CLS-Lunch lecture)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 October 1998. Ik, jij... en verder? De variatie aan persoonlijke voornaamwoorden in de talen van de wereld. University of Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Louter Letteren V)
•Cysouw, Michael. 2 October 1998. Syntagmatical variation in the world's pronominal systems. University Brabant, Netherlands. (Opening Academic Year CLS)
•Cysouw, Michael. 24 April 1998. Inverse, in z'n diverse formen. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Colloquium Linguistics Department)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 January 1998. Onze talen sterven uit. University of Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Faculty Lunch Humanities)
•Cysouw, Michael. 29 October 1997. Interpreting cross linguistic clustering. Cornell University, USA. (Colloquium Modern Languages Department)
•Cysouw, Michael. 16 October 1997. Languages floating in Head-Dependent space. University of California at Berkeley, USA. (Historical Linguist Meeting)
•Cysouw, Michael. 11 September 1997. Languages floating in Head-Dependent space. Implications of large-scale geographical patterns. University of Oregon at Eugene, USA. (ALT II)
•Cysouw, Michael. 11 August 1997. Family resemblance or drift? A comparative investigation into Iroquoian pronominal prefixes. University of Düsseldorf, Germany. (ICHL XIII)
•Cysouw, Michael. 18 January 1997. Hoe weet je wie wie is? University of Utrecht, Netherlands. (TIN 1997)
•Cysouw, Michael. 20 September 1996. Het ontstaan van Complexiteit: Grammaticale indicaties van culturele evolutie. University of Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Louter Letteren IV)
•Cysouw, Michael. 19 August 1996. Metagrammaticalisation: emerging design in Grammar. Charles University at Prague, Czech Republic. (Linguistics and Phonetics 1996)
•Cysouw, Michael. 14 June 1996. ‘Ik’ tegenover de rest. University of Groningen, Netherlands. (TABU 1996)