1. Imani, Ayyoob, Masoud Jalili Sabet, Philipp Dufter, Michael Cysouw, Hinrich Schütze. ParCourE: A Parallel Corpus Explorer for a Massively Multilinugal Corpus. 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
    open access online publication


  1. Forkel, Robert, Johann-Mattis List, Simon Greenhill, Christoph Rzymski, Sebastian Bank, Michael Cysouw, Harald Hammarström, Martin Haspelmath, Gereon Kaiping & Russell Gray. 2018. Cross-Linguistic Data Formats, Advancing data sharing and reuse in comparative linguistics. Nature Scientific Data 5. 180205.
    open access online publication

  2. Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Nancy Retzlaff, Damián E Blasi, William Croft, Michael Cysouw, Daniel Hruschka, Ian Maddieson, Lydia Müller, Eric Smith, Peter F Stadler, George Starostin, Hyejin Youn. 2018. Studying language evolution in the age of big data. Journal of Language Evolution. 3(2). 94-129.
    open access online publication

  3. Fleischer, Jürg, Michael Cysouw, Augustin Speyer & Richard Wiese. 2018. Variation and its determinants: a corpus-based study of german schwa in the letters of Goethe. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 37(1). 55–81.
    open access online publication


  1. Bentz, Christian, Dimitrios Alikaniotis, Michael Cysouw & Ramon Ferrer-i Cancho. 2017. The entropy of words: learnability and expressivity across more than 1000 languages. Entropy 19(6). 275-307.
    open access online publication


  1. List, Johann-Mattis, Michael Cysouw, and Robert Forkel. 2016. Concepticon. A resource for the linking of concept lists. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation.
    open access online publication - project webpage

  2. Schäfer, Lea & Stephanie Leser & Michael Cysouw. 2016. Imitating Closely Related Varieties. In Marie-Hélène Côté, Remco Knooihuizen & John Nerbonne (eds.) The Future of Dialects: Selected papers from Methods in Dialectology XV, 246–260.
    open access online publication


  1. Hartmann, Iren, Martin Haspelmath & Michael Cysouw. 2014. Identifying semantic role clusters and alignment types via microrole coexpression tendencies. Studies in Language 38(3). 463–484.
    cysouwhartmannhaspelmathCOEXPRESSION.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2014. Inducing semantic roles. In Silvia Luraghi & Heiko Narrog (eds.) Perspectives on Semantic Roles, 23-68. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwSEMANTICROLES.zip - publisher’s webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2014. Generalizing scales. In Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Andrej L. Malchukov and Marc D. Richards (eds.) Scales & Hierarchies, 59-74. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
    cysouwSCALES.zip - publisher’s webpage

  4. Moran, Steven & Michael Cysouw. 2014. Typology with Graphs and Matrices. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2014): Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing, Reykjavik, 55-60.
    open access online publication

  5. Mayer, Thomas & Michael Cysouw. 2014. Creating a Massively Parallel Bible Corpus. Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Reykjavik, 3158-3163.
    open access online publication


  1. Cysouw, Michael & Jeff Good. 2013. Languoid, Doculect, Glossonym: formalizing the notion ‘language’. Language Documentation & Conservation 7. 331-360.
    open access online publication

  2. Dediu, Dan & Michael Cysouw. 2013. Some Structural Aspects of Language are More Stable than Others: A Comparison of Seven Methods. PLoS One 8(1). e55009.
    open access online publication

  3. Prokić, Jelena & Michael Cysouw. 2013. Combining regular sound correspondences and geographic spread. Language Dynamics and Change 3(2). 147-168.
    prokiccysouwCORRESPONDENCES.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  4. Cysouw, Michael. 2013. Disentangling geography from genealogy. In Peter Auer, Martin Hilpert, Anja Stukenbrock & Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (eds.) Space in Language and Linguistics: Geographical, Interactional, and Cognitive Perspectives, 21-37. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
    cysouwDISENTANGLING.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  5. Cysouw, Michael. 2013. Predicting language learning difficulty. In Lars Borin & Anju Saxena (eds.) Approaches to Measuring Linguistic Differences, 57-82. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
    cysouwPREDICTING.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  6. Cysouw, Michael. 2013. A history of Iroquoian gender marking. In Balthasar Bickel, Lenore A. Grenoble, David A. Peterson & Alan Timberlake (eds.), Language Typology and Historical Contingency, 283-298. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwIROQUOIANproofs.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  7. Cysouw, Michael & Bernard Comrie. 2013. Some observations on typological features of hunter-gatherer languages. In Balthasar Bickel, Lenore A. Grenoble, David A. Peterson & Alan Timberlake (eds.), Language Typology and Historical Contingency, 383-394. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwcomrieHUNTERproofs.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  8. Dediu, Dan, Michael Cysouw, Stephen C. Levinson, Andrea Baronchelli, Morten H. Christiansen, William Croft, Nicholas Evans, Simon Garrod, Russel D. Gray, Anne Kandler & Elena Lieven. 2013. Cultural Evolution of Language. In Peter J. Richerson & Morten H. Christiansen (eds.) Cultural Evolution: Society, Technology, Language, and Religion, 304-332. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
    publisher’s webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael, Dan Dediu & Steve Moran. 2012. Comment on “Phonemic Diversity Supports a Serial Founder Effect Model of Language Expansion from Africa”. Science, 335(6069). 657.
    cysouwSOMprepub.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  2. Wälchli, Bernard & Michael Cysouw. 2012. Lexical typology through similarity semantics: Toward a semantic map of motion verbs. Linguistics 50(3). 671–710.
    cysouwwaelchliMOTIONproofs.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael & Javier Fernández. 2012. On the (im)possibility of partial argument coreference. Linguistics 50(4). 765–782.
    cysouwPARTIALCOREFERENCEproofs.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  4. Mayer, Thomas & Michael Cysouw. 2012. Language comparison through sparse multilingual word alignment. Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH. 54-62.
    open access online publication

  5. Comrie, Bernard & Michael Cysouw. 2012. New Guinea through the eyes of WALS. Language and Linguistics in Melanesia 30. 65-95.
    open access online publication

  6. Bouda, Peter & Michael Cysouw. 2012. Treating Dictionaries as a Linked-Data Corpus. Linked Data in Linguistics 1. 15-23.
    cysouwboudaLINKEDDATA.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  7. Butt, Miriam, Jelena Prokić, Thomas Mayer & Michael Cysouw. 2012. Introduction. Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH. 1-6.
    open access online publication


  1. Steiner, Lydia, Peter Stadler & Michael Cysouw. 2011. A Pipeline for Computational Historical Linguistics. Language Dynamics and Change 1(1). 89-127.
    cysouwsteinerPIPELINEproofs.pdf - supplemental material.zip - publisher’s webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2011. Understanding transition probabilities. Linguistic Typology 15(2). 415-431.
    cysouwTRANSPROBmanuscript.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2011. Quantitative explorations of the world-wide distribution of rare characteristics, or: the exceptionality of north-western European languages. In Horst Simon & Heike Wiese (eds.) Exception in Language, 411-431. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    cysouwRARA.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  4. Cysouw, Michael. 2011. Very atypical agreement indeed. Comment on Lilo-Martin & Meier (2011). Theoretical Linguistics 37(3-4). 153–160.
    cysouwAGREEMENTproofs.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  5. Cysouw, Michael. 2011. Some more details about the definition of rarity. Reply to Dahl (2011). In Horst Simon & Heike Wiese (Eds.) Expecting the Unexpected. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 437-441.
    cysouwRARITY.pdf - publisher’s webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. The expression of person and number: a typologists perspective. Morphology 21(2). 419-443.
    cysouwPERSONNUMBERmanuscript.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. Dealing with diversity: towards an explanation of NP word order frequencies. Linguistic Typology. 14(2). 253–287.
    cysouwNPORDER.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. Semantic maps as metrics on meaning. Linguistic Discovery. 8(1). 70-95.
    open access online publication

  4. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. On the probability distribution of typological frequencies. In Christian Ebert, Gerhard Jäger & Jens Michaelis (Eds.) The Mathematics of Language. (FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information), 29-35. Berlin: Springer.
    cysouwTYPOLOGICALDISTRIBUTIONS.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  5. Cysouw, Michael, Andrej Malchukov & Martin Haspelmath. 2010. Semantic Maps: Methods and Applications. Introduction to the special issue of Linguistic Discovery. 8(1). 1-3.
    open access online publication

  6. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. Drawing networks from recurrent polysemies. A comment on  Perrin (2009). Linguistic Discovery. 8(1). 281-285.
    open access online publication

  7. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. Analogy is an implicit universal semantic map. A comment on  Van Trijp (2009). Linguistic Discovery. 8(1). 327-328.
    open access online publication

  8. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. A multitude of approaches to make semantic maps. A comment on Zwarts (2009). Linguistic Discovery. 8(1). 396-397.
    open access online publication

  9. Cysouw, Michael. 2010. Variation of semantic map display is necessary. Author’s reply to Narrog (2009). Linguistic Discovery. 8(1). 99-101.
    open access online publication

  10. Cysouw, Michael & Jan Wohlgemuth. 2010. The other end of universals: theory and typology of rara. Introduction to Rethinking Universals: How rarities affect linguistic theory, 1-10. Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton.
    cysouwRARAINTRO.pdf - publisher’s webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael & Diana Forker. 2009. Reconstruction of morphosyntactic function: Nonspatial usage of spatial case marking in Tsezic. Language 85(3). 588-617.
    cysouwTSEZICCASE.pdf - publisher's webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael & Bernard Comrie. 2009. How varied typologically are the languages of Africa? In: Rudie Botha & Chris Knight (eds.) The Cradle of Language. Volume 2: African perspectives. 189-203. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    cysouwcomrieAFRICA.pdf - publisher’s webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2009. The asymmetry of affixation. In: In Hans-Martin Gärtner, Sigrid Beck, Regine Eckardt, Renate Musan & Barbara Stiebels (eds.) Puzzles for Krifka. Special Issue of Snippets 20(3). 10-14.
    open access online publication


  1. Cysouw, Michael, Mihai Albu & Andreas Dress. 2008. Analyzing feature consistency using similarity matrices. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 61(3). 263-279.
    cysouwCONSISTENCY.pdf - publisher's webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2008. Linear order as a predictor of word order regularities. A comment on Ferrer-I-Cancho (2008). Advances in Complex Systems 11(3). 415-420.
    cysouwLINEARORDER.pdf - publisher's webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2008. Generalizing scales. In Marc Richards & Andrej Malchukov (eds.) Scales, 379-396. Leipzig: Institut für Linguistik, Universität Leipzig.
    open access online publication

  4. Cysouw, Michael. 2008. Generalizing language comparison. A comment on Croft & Poole (2008). Theoretical Linguistics 34(1). 47-51.
    cysouwCROFTPOOLE.pdf - publisher's webpage

  5. Cysouw, Michael. 2008. Using the World Atlas of Language Structures. Introduction to the special issue of Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 60(2). 181-185.
    cysouwINTROWALS.pdf - publisher's webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael. 2007. Content interrogatives in Ashéninca Campa: corpus study and typological comparison. International Journal of American Linguistics 73(2). 133-163
    cysouwASHENINCA.pdf - publisher's webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2007. Building semantic maps: the case of person marking. In: Matti Miestamo & Bernhard Wälchli (eds.) New Challenges in Typology, 225-248. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    cysouwSEMMAP.pdf - publisher's webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2007. New approaches to cluster analysis of typological indices. In Reinhard Köhler & Peter Grzbek (eds.) Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text, 61-76. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    cysouwCLUSTER.pdf - publisher's webpage

  4. Cysouw, Michael. 2007. A social layer for typological databases. In Andrea Sansò (ed.) Language Resources and Linguistic Theory, 59-66. Milano: Francoangeli.

  5. Cysouw, Michael & Hagen Jung. 2007. Cognate identification and alignment using practical orthographies. Proceedings of Ninth Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Morphology and Phonology, 109-116.
    open access online publication

  6. Cysouw, Michael, Christian Biemann & Matthias Ongyerth. 2007. Using Strong's Numbers in the Bible to test an Automatic alignment of Parallel texts. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 60(2). 158-171.
    cysouwPARALLEL.pdf - publisher's webpage

  7. Cysouw, Michael. 2007. Review of Spanish Phonology and Morphology by David Eddington (2004). Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 14(1). 95-99.
    cysouwEDDINGTON.pdf - publisher's webpage

  8. Cysouw, Michael & Bernhard Wälchli. 2007. Parallel texts: Using translational equivalents in linguistic typology. Introduction to the special issue of Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 60(2). 95-99.
    cysouwINTROPARALLEL.pdf - publisher's webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael, Søren Wichmann & David Kamholz. 2006. A critique of the separation base method for genealogical subgrouping, with data from Mixe-Zoquean. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 13(2-3). 225-264.
    cysouwMIXEZOQUE.pdf - publisher's webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2006. Review of Pronouns by D. N. S. Bhat (2005). Journal of Linguistics 42(3). 697-703.
    cysouwBHAT.pdf - publisher's webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2006. Review of Explaining Language Change by William Croft (2000). Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 128(2). 298-306.
    cysouwCROFT.pdf - publisher's webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael. 2005. Morphology in the wrong place. A survey of preposed enclitics. In Wolfgang U. Dressler (ed.) Morphology and its Demarcations, 17-37. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwENCLITICS.pdf - publisher's webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2005. A typology of honorific uses of clusivity. In Elena Filimonova (ed.) Clusivity, 213-230. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwHONORIFICproofs.pdf - publisher's webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2005. Syncretisms involving clusivity. In Elena Filimonova (ed.) Clusivity, 73-111. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwSYNCRETISMSproofs.pdf - publisher's webpage

  4. Cysouw, Michael. 2005. What it means to be rare: the case of person marking. In: Zygmund Frajzyngier & David Rood (eds.) Linguistic Diversity and Language Theories, 235-258. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwRAREPERSON.pdf - publisher's webpage - google books

  5. Cysouw, Michael. 2005. Quantitative method in typology. In: Gabriel Altmann, Reinhard Köhler & R. Piotrowski (eds.). Quantitative Linguistics: An International Handbook, 554-578. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    cysouwQUANTMETHOD.pdf - publisher's webpage

  6. Cysouw, Michael. 2005. Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Independent Pronouns. In Matthew Dryer, Martin Haspelmath, David Gil & Bernard Comrie (eds.) World Atlas of Language Structures, 162-165. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    publisher's webpage - open access online version

  7. Cysouw, Michael. 2005. Inclusive/Exclusive Distinction in Verbal Inflection. In Matthew Dryer, Martin Haspelmath, David Gil & Bernard Comrie (eds.) World Atlas of Language Structures, 166-169. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    publisher's webpage - open access online version

  8. Cysouw, Michael, Jeff Good, Mihai Albu and Hans-Jörg Bibiko. 2005. Can GOLD "cope" with WALS? Retrofitting an ontology onto the World Atlas of Language Structures. Proceedings of EMELD Workshop on Morphosyntactic Annotation and Terminology: Linguistic Ontologies and Data Categories for Language Resources.
    cysouwEMELD.pdf - open access online publication


  1. Cysouw, Michael. 2003. Against implicational universals. Linguistic Typology 7(1). 89-10.
    cysouwLTIMPL.pdf - publisher's webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael. 2002. Interpreting typological clusters. Linguistic Typology 6(1). 69-93.
    cysouwLTCLUS.pdf - publisher's webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2002. ‘We’ rules: The impact of an inclusive/exclusive opposition on the paradigmatic structure of person marking. In Horst Simon & Heike Wiese (eds.) Pronouns: Grammar and Representation, 41-62. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    cysouwWERULES.pdf - publisher's web-page

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2002. Review of Demonstratives by Holger Diessel (1999). General Linguistics 39. 135-140.
    cysouwDIESSELmanuscript.pdf - publisher's webpage


  1. Cysouw, Michael. 2001. Review of The Personal Pronouns in the Germanic Languages by Stephen Howe (1996). Studies in Language 25(2). 363-368.
    cysouwHOWE.pdf - publisher's webpage

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 2001. Review of Indefinite Pronouns by Martin Haspelmath (1997). Journal of Linguistics 37(3). 99-114.
    cysouwHASPELMATH.pdf - publisher's webpage

  3. Cysouw, Michael. 2001. Review of Cubeo Grammar by Nancy Morse & Michael Maxwell (1999) and Desano Grammar by Marion Mill (1999). Linguistlist 12.810.
    open access online publication

  4. Cysouw, Michael. 2001. Review of A Grammar of Lele by Zygmund Frajzyngier (2001). Linguistlist 12.3099.
    open access online publication

before 2000

  1. Cysouw, Michael. 1998. Syntagmatical variation in the world's pronominal systems. In: Heleen Strating & Jorn Veenstra (eds.). Proceedings CLS Opening Academic Year '98/'99, 27-50. Tilburg: Center for Language Studies.

  2. Cysouw, Michael. 1997. Design and Grammaticalisation. In: B. Palek (ed.). Proceedings of LP '96, 153-163. Prague: Charles University Press.