Michael Cysouw
Michael Cysouw
•Junior award of the Association for Linguistic Typology in 2001
•Finalist for the AVT/ANéLA-dissertatieprijs in 2001
•Member of Editorial Board:
‣International Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
‣Journal of Linguistic Geography
•Peer reviews for journals:
‣Advances in Complex Systems
‣Cognitive Science
‣Computational Linguistics
‣International Journal of American Linguistics
‣Journal of Germanic Linguistics
‣Journal of Theoretical Biology
‣Language and Linguistics Compass
‣Languages in Contrast
‣Language Learning
‣Literary and Linguistics Computing
‣Studies in Language
‣The Linguistic Review
‣Transactions of the Philological Society
•Peer reviews for funding agencies:
‣National Science Foundation (NSF)
‣European Science Foundation (ESF)
‣Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
‣Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
‣Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)